View the Readings for this day
The readings for this Fifth Sunday of Easter can help the newly initiated and those who have been members of the Church for a long time - to remember who we are and what tasks lie before us.
Each of us is a part of the Royal Priesthood of Christ and we are invited to tend to the Word and Eucharist, and to be Eucharist for others.
The disciples see God in Jesus. So long as he is around, there is no fear. But they do not see God in their fellow disciples. They are just too human, subject to the shortcomings and weaknesses of ordinary mortals.
The disciples set Jesus apart. They put him on a different platform from themselves. Yet, Jesus is trying to convince them that if God could work through him, Jesus, then God could as well work through any of them or us.
Jesus places himself on the same platform with them to make them believe that God can use them and work through them in spite that they are not perfect.
Jesus actually places the disciples on a higher platform than himself as people through whom God can work: "Very truly, I tell you, the one who believes in me will also do the works that I do and, in fact, will do greater works than these, because I am going to the Father". God is so deeply involved in the events and crisis even of the church and of the world.
When we see negative things happening in the church or in our world, it is not time to blame God for abandoning us to our own whims.
It is rather a time for serious soul searching, of prayer and a great hope that we can work together to bring healing and we have the mandate to continue the work and mission of Jesus.
Today Jesus tells us he is a mirror to the Father, and in our sharing in the Annual Catholic Appeal we are invited to look at Christ and to be his hands, to reach out to the needs of the Archdiocese and also to our parish. The task before us is one of discernment as it was for the Early Church.
We like the seven deacons in the first reading, are called to serve the Church and to live its mission. Most of the 7 named to service were obscure but played a role in the community.
Stephen got a dramatic speaking part later, but he would become the first martyr of the Church.
Christian discernment is looking into our heart, listen to Jesus speak to us, and like the second reading today, we are like stones with Christ as the gravity that draws us together to be community.
We are moving towards Pentecost and the sending of the Holy Spirit. It will be good these days to pray with the work of the spirit within the Church and within each one of us. We have celebrated our having been brought into Christ by our baptisms. We are again and again reminded of our call to serve in the Church.
To imitate the Early Church we are invited to support the Church in our Stewardship of Time, Talent and Treasure, but also annually we are invited to give to the Annual Catholic Appeal of the Archdiocese. The annual Catholic Appeal is a way that we show that we are willing to do the work of Jesus, to share our gifts.
I hope that each adult who attends Mass here will read over and complete an envelope and make a pledge. Every gift, no matter the amount, is gratefully received.
It is the completed returned envelope that tells the system to stop additional mailings to your take a few before the offertory to fill out your pledge envelope, and then put your completed pledge envelope in the Offertory Collection today.
With Archbishop Sartain I want to publicly again ask all parishioners to participate in the Annual Catholic Appeal. I would like to invite every couple or adult single to fill out the envelope and to make a pledge and give a donation . It is up to us to support the Archdiocesan programs. I would like to ask for 100% participation this year.
It is recommended in Stewardship that one give 5% of one's annual income back to God by giving to the parish. And if possible I'd like to ask you to consider to give at least 1% of your income to the Annual Appeal.
Your donations help the diocese so very much, but even more the money that returns to the parish helps us to do things that would be impossible, so please help us make the interior of the Church happen.
Out of the readings for this Sunday we can draw out themes of hospitality, stewardship, love, salvation, the power of faith, and others. But we would be negligent to obscure the reality of this message of Jesus Christ making a way for all to have eternal life. Some will reject him as they did in that first century, but you and I are to put on Christ and become instruments by which this good news is proclaimed to the world. Jesus told us that "whoever believes in me will do the works that I do, and will do greater ones than these" (Jn 14:12).
Perhaps if we do more of these greater things we will more easily convince people that Jesus died for them too. They will want to belong and then they will believe.
When I think about First Communion I often think of the young boy Oliver in the Movie and play. He stretches out his hand as the children will today and with a tear in his eye, he pleads, MORE SIR!
You the parents and relatives of these children are to be congratulated for all you give them including your faith, but still they hold their hands out asking for more. These children need to know you as persons who frequent Mass and the sacraments and so I pray for your renewal.
We do not eat just on the great feasts like Christmas and Easter and I am asking you not to deprive your children of contact with God. Nourish them by your example. If you are not often a part of our parish, I would ask you parents to let your children have an opportunity to be formed in the Church.
To you children, be aware that Jesus is your friend. The more time you spend with a friend, the more your friendship grows.
We are all given an invitation to renew our relationship with Jesus today. We are thankful for this celebration of First Communion, and we celebrate with your families and with you this day that you receive your First Communion.
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